Interface GetInfoResponse


  • GetInfoResponse


alias: string

If applicable, the alias of the current node, e.g. "bob"

bestHeaderTimestamp: string | number

Timestamp of the block best known to the wallet

blockHash: string

The node's current view of the hash of the best block

blockHeight: string | number

The node's current view of the height of the best block

chains: Chain[]

A list of active chains the node is connected to

color: string

The color of the current node in hex code format

hasBolt12: boolean

True if the current node implementation supports Bolt12

identityPubkey: string

The identity pubkey of the current node.

numActiveChannels: string | number

Number of active channels

numInactiveChannels: string | number

Number of inactive channels

numPeers: string | number

Number of peers

numPendingChannels: string | number

Number of pending channels

syncedToChain: boolean

Whether the wallet's view is synced to the main chain

syncedToGraph: boolean

Whether we consider ourselves synced with the public channel graph.

uris: string[]

The URIs of the current node.

version: string

The version of the LND software that the node is running.

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