Interface ForwardingEvent


  • ForwardingEvent


amtIn: string | number

The total amount (in satoshis) of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit.

amtInMsat: string | number

The total amount (in milli-satoshis) of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit.

amtOut: string | number

The total amount (in satoshis) of the outgoing HTLC that created the second half of the circuit.

amtOutMsat: string | number

The total amount (in milli-satoshis) of the outgoing HTLC that created the second half of the circuit.

chanIdIn: string | number

The incoming channel ID that carried the HTLC that created the circuit.

chanIdOut: string | number

The outgoing channel ID that carried the preimage that completed the circuit.

fee: string | number

The total fee (in satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.

feeMsat: string | number

The total fee (in milli-satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.

timestampNs: string | number

The number of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC when this circuit was completed.

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