Interface ChannelCloseSummary


  • ChannelCloseSummary


capacity: string | number

Total capacity of the channel.

chainHash: string

The hash of the genesis block that this channel resides within.

chanId: string | number

The unique channel ID for the channel.

channelPoint: string

The outpoint (txid:index) of the funding transaction.

closeHeight: string | number

Height at which the funding transaction was spent.

closeInitiator: Initiator

Close initiator indicates which party initiated the close. This value will be unknown for channels that were cooperatively closed before we started tracking cooperative close initiators. Note that this indicates which party initiated a close, and it is possible for both to initiate cooperative or force closes, although only one party's close will be confirmed on chain.

Details on how the channel was closed.

closingTxHash: string

The txid of the transaction which ultimately closed this channel.

openInitiator: Initiator

Open initiator is the party that initiated opening the channel. Note that this value may be unknown if the channel was closed before we migrated to store open channel information after close.

remotePubkey: string

Public key of the remote peer that we formerly had a channel with.

resolutions: Resolution[]
settledBalance: string | number

Settled balance at the time of channel closure

timeLockedBalance: string | number

The sum of all the time-locked outputs at the time of channel closure

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